Backup your data with FREE Paragon Drive Backup 9 Express

If you use your computer on daily basis, there are definitely a lot of new stuffs being introduced in the computer and not to mention editing and modifications on files that take place continously. With so many important data held in your hard disk, it's vital for you to make a regular backup on the data, that's the way to prepare yourself from unexpected hard drive crash or virus threat that could damage your data or even worse wipe out everything entirely. Norton Ghost can do the job but why we need to pay if we can get alternative and equivalent software for free?

Paragon Drive Backup is a simple, straight-forward and easy to use application that backups up your entire hard disks as clone without hassles and recovers whenever disaster strikes. Here are some of the features that make it a reliable tool when unprecedented disaster looms upon you.

Some features

- Entire PC or File Backup

- Fast Data Restore and System Recovery

- Backup data to any portable device

- Scheduled Backups and HDD Cloning

Even though this program is designed to entirely back up a hard drive or partition, you have the options to include optimizations designed to speed the process up. For example, by default, it will only copy areas of your hard drive that contain data and skip temporary files like the paging file.

The backup is created in a single file and compressed in zip format, so you could save archives to network drives, burn them to DVD (on available on full commercial version only) or even save them locally on the drive you're backing up.

Paragon Drive Backup 9 Express is available for free personal use and is also fully compatible with Windows Vista.

Download: Paragon Drive Backup 9 Express (72 MB)