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Internet Explorer 7

After almost 2 years and a half under development, the IE7 still insufficiently meets the web standard and barely match the features that are available in the Mozilla Firefox and Opera. Yet tabbed browsing, a built-in RSS feed reader, and a new Favorites Center are among the features that I like the most and are something that can be proud of.

Initially, I have problem to install the IE7 since it needs SP2 for the installation purpose (I just reformatted my PC). So, I spent half an hour before the SP2 was properly installed. After installing the IE7, I was requested to reboot, which is unprecedented in any browser installations (usually it only requires to restart browser). The emergence of IE7 with tabbed-browsing really make my life easy in term of taskbar space and managing multiple pages in one browser. I just realised despite there are hitches in IE7, I've been using it almost equally as frequent as I do with other browsers for the last couple of days. (Avant and Mozilla)

Wordpress 2.0.5

Wordpress 2.0.5 is ready for grab. For those who is still using 2.0.4, you might consider to upgrade since the current version holds 50 bugfixes. The following feature - "default category is no longer checked by default" will not be available in this latest version and is expected to come out in the 2.1 version.

I guess I wont do any upgrade for this blog. I've two blogs running in 2.0.4 and 2.05 and it seems that my current theme is not compatible with the current version of wordpress. I rather get myself familiar with wordpress before doing any upgrades and most probably hold my breath for 2.1 release. More news on wordpress 2.0.5 on

Mark on Wordpress and 205 Ronan


Random post plugin

This plugin might serve you great service in the future as your blog posts grow in size. The probability of readers drop by on your blogs and looking for old posts in the archive are very small. Instead of letting old posts buried in your sacred archive, why not use this great plugin to rejuvenate new breath to the old posts, put them in circulation at your recent posts.

How to implement this plugin? It's just a piece of cake. It took about an hour for me due to the lack of programming literacy. It is dead easy once you know how to play around with the parameters.

1. Visit this plugin site (Random Plugin). Activate it in your blog.

2. Put the following code into any pages that you like it to be appeared. As far as I'm concerned, I put it in single.php

<!--random posts plugin-->

<h3>Random Posts</h3>
<?php random_posts($limit="4", $len="30", $before_title='<li><b>',
$after_title='</li></b><br>', $before_post='<blockquote>',
$after_post='</blockquote>', $show_pass_post, $show_excerpt=true); ?>

<!--random posts plugin-->

You may change the parameter to suit your blog and the parameters' descriptions are included in the plugin compressed file. I hope you will find this plugin to be useful.